Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Reminiscences of an evening past- December 30, 2009 (Act I)

5:45 PM to 6:45PM

The dragonfly hovered listlessly over the coffee mug as the man waited at the appointed place, the coffee was cold and bad and the other patrons lost in their thoughts or conversations. The cool evening breeze made him tighten his jacket for a bit more warmth, and his index finger lazily flicked the card pinned to the gift, uncertain that he had made the right choice. A car rolls by with a great whooshing sound; the object of his wait was late.

Another swill of the foul tasting coffee made him gag but it helped his self consciousness, he hated waiting, it made him feel like an outsider, like he didn’t belong there; another swill and another irritated smile at the overly attentive waiter and his thoughts drifted. The reverie is interrupted by a phone call, it’s his co-conspirator calling to say all is to plan and the trap is ready to be sprung all he had to do was help the victim walk into it. The call is brief and does its part to ease his discomfort.

The dragonfly settles, lethargically, on his sleeve, he does not interrupt it’s exploratory venture into the creases of his jacket, his eyes wander attentively over the form the insect…. thorax, legs, wings, the hypnotic eyes and, almost as if the insect could feel his gaze, it leapt into the air and to its escape from a patient predator.

The wait was all but forgotten when his friend walks in to the cafe with an air of practiced cavalier grimness that had become his manner over the years.

A conversation ensues between the two of them; low pitched and conspiratorial tones are employed as was their usual manner. The inanity of social pleasantry and the ritualistic transaction of questions about each other’s current circumstances are satisfactorily concluded. A visible relaxation can be noticed in their manner as they break off their huddle and beckon the anxious waiter to their table. As they wait to be served more of the foul tasting swill, the first man slides the package across the table, his eyes eagerly waiting for any sign of joy or dismay from the recipient.

A sceptical look fills the recipient’s face, his brow furrows as his unusually long fingers trace the outline of the package, at once trying to find the seams of the wrapping paper and anticipate the nature of the object, his fore finger finds the card pinned to the wrapper and trepidation fills his eyes as he reads the message etched in it. The search for the seams becomes more urgent and frantic, trepidation replaced slowly by curiosity and cautious eagerness. The contents of the package now lay bare before them; the recipient’s face is filled with relief and some small measure of satisfaction. A smile and a firm handshake are exchanged. The foul tasting swill is served and the waiter leaves them to their silence.



Blogger Unknown said...

Ooooh! Can't wait for part two.

January 8, 2010 at 1:22 PM  
Blogger Pradeep Dewars said...

Still waiting for Part 2 ... it's been more than 2 days.

January 10, 2010 at 1:55 PM  
Blogger Sunil Setlur said...

All in good time- Im smithing out details still...

January 10, 2010 at 3:05 PM  

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