Friday, February 20, 2009

A Tale- an American one

-The Scribe’s version-

Vanessa loved jogging. She liked to jog at sunrise by the beach. Jogging gave her a sense of personal power and freedom. Jogging led to her tragic demise.

-The Way the world will see it-

Vanessa Dalhousie was a 28 year old relationship manager in the employ of notorious Hollywood Madam, Gemini Morey. The circumstances surrounding Vanessa’s death are more than suspicious and reliable sources from within the DA’s office confirm that this was nothing short of torture gone awry. The forensic experts are scouring the scene at this moment in search of evidence to confirm or disprove theories that this was an accident. Her death makes this the third high profile one this week, after those of noted jurist Edgar Wallace and the Governor’s publicity agent Shana McSluttly.

Research into Vanessa Dalhousie’s life will show that she was a compulsive over achiever right through her childhood; she was particularly gifted at mathematics and completed her MBA in Finance at NYU. She graduated at the top of her class. She went on to work on Wall Street as an independent broker (a bold move for a fresh grad student) and went on to build up an impressive list of clients in a relatively short time. Vanessa was turning out a small fortune relatively quickly; this fact, given that she was on Wall Street did not go unnoticed. An SEC surveillance operation revealed that Vanessa was trading sexual favours with Mick Santaloupe, a noted commentator and self proclaimed stock indices guru working with the Wall street journal, in exchange for insider tips; tips which Mr. Santaloupe secured from his sources placed in unnameable private equity firms.

Vanessa moved to Los Angeles after having had her trading licence suspended and was lodged at the Beverly Hills hotel where she made the acquaintance of feared mobster Vick Santini. The muted publicity her debacle at Wall Street received was enough to catch Vick Santini’s eye. Vick was planning to consolidate his money laundering operation in Los Angeles and was looking for someone to front end his “Gangsters Only Ponzi Scheme”. It was meant to be his retirement “scam to end all scams” but after a failed attempt on his life by his lieutenant, he panicked and surrendered to the FBI and was remanded to the witness protection program and was never heard from again. His lieutenant was in fact Gemini Morey.

Gemini and Vanessa picked up the deal where Santini had left off but abandoned the idea and instead focused their efforts in consolidating the West Coast prostitution rackets. After a brief but bloody period of hostile takeovers of the various prostitution networks dotting the west coast, the duo set about establishing a luxury escort service. Their client list included the Who’s who of the entertainment industry, Politics and Big business. The men and women who serviced their clients primarily consisted of illegal immigrants and ex convicts.

Their glamorous client list & the raucous parties they threw quickly attracted the attention of the media and of course that of an up and coming District Attorney looking to make a name for himself. DA Hershner Gonsalves in collusion with the FBI started an intensive surveillance operation which tracked Gemini’s and Vanessa’s every move. But having been the victim of a sting operation earlier must have made Vanessa wise to their ways because after 10 months of surveillance the operation could not find any conclusive evidence of crime in the Morey-Dalhousie operations. After this failed debacle DA Gonsalves was transferred to a remote town in southern Kentucky and was never heard of again. The transfer was recommended by a panel of Judges headed by Judge Wallace.

The Morey-Dalhousie operation continued smoothly for over 5 years, this period of quiet was interrupted by a scandal which rocked the Governor’s office, where the Governor was allegedly taped soliciting fellatio from a female staffer while he signed official pardons to death sentences, this was of course denied vehemently by the Governor’s office and an expensive publicity campaign was launched to hush up the entire business. This campaign, headed by ace publicist Shana McSluttly, was making significant headway till rumours started surfacing that tapes of the alleged incident were about to be leaked to the press. The furore this created in the media was only amplified when McSluttly was photographed speaking with Vanessa Dalhousie in the private club room at the Beverly Hills hotel. McSluttly resigned from the campaign and was found dead a week later. She had drowned in her Jacuzzi and a Mills & Boon novella was found floating next to her body. This sparked a series of fact finding missions by various publishing houses trying to break the story first, but the death of noted jurist Edgar Wallace who was allegedly gunned down by an escaped convict he had sentenced to prison for being an illegal immigrant started hogging the limelight.

After furious speculation in the media, a pattern seemed to emerge tying the Morey-Dalhousie operation to these two high profile deaths when two mornings later the body of a 200 pound woman was found washed up on the beach. The body was identified as Vanessa Dalhousie’s, the life guard who was first at the scene had seen a large woman jogging on the coast close to the water’s edge and had discovered her an hour later while patrolling the beach for squatters which he says is a problem because of lax immigration legislation.

Gemini Morey could not be reached for a comment.

This has been a XNN special report and this is Laine Watson signing off.



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